m1gin 1754
Merhabalar, Mevcut barindigimiz yer ile anlasma saglayamadigimiz icin 31.08.2024 23:59'a kadar sanal sunucular tasinmasi gerekmektedir müsteri panelinden lütfen destek talebi olusturunuz aksi taktirde
m1gin 0
http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2019/04/nvidia-430-09-gtx-1650-support/ Nvidia GTX1650 ubuntu drivers ... sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppasudo apt install nvidia-driver-470 nvidi
m1gin 69
Achieving academic excellence often requires more than just dedication and hard work. It involves strategic planning, effective time management, and sometimes, seeking external support. This is where
m1gin 51
When considering a car purchase, incorporating reviews as part of your decision-making process can be incredibly beneficial, especially when it comes to selecting a loan company. Customer feedback pro
m1gin 1059
Installation https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Installation_guide Boot from USB drive. Load keyboard layout # loadkeys trq Connect to Wi-Fi. (Tab Tab will help for auto complete) # iwctl [iwd]# devic
m1gin 889
verse by verse audio / translations / lists / notes: https://quran.mbirgin.com AUDIO QURAN INFO ABOUT AUDIO QUALITY: https://everyayah.com/recitations_ayat.html https://everyayah.com/data/recitatio
m1gin 910
#poetry #learnenglish #englishfun #enlemveboylam #free4talk One Hippopotami - Allan Sherman One hippopotami cannot get on a busBecause one hippopotami is two hippopotamusAnd if you have two goose, tha
m1gin 1489
UBUNTU ‘da Kullandığım Başlıca Progamlar (mbirgin) Primary sudo apt install audacity apache2 geany scite bleachbit baobab mono-apache-server4 libapache2-mod-mono gpodder audacious sqlite3 sqlitebrows
m1gin 516
Install certbot and letsencrypt sudo apt install certbot letsencryptsudo apt-get install python3-certbot-apache Create a certificate: sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns List
m1gin 852
.pl-1 { padding-left: 2em; } .pl-2 { padding-left: 4em; } .s1 { font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-s
m1gin 0
2018-05: Eski versiyon Mono kurulumu: Mono 5.10 ile nedense derlenmiş VB projeleri sorun çıkardı. Ve şuna benzer hata mesajları verdi: System.Web.Compilation.CompilationException error VBNC30248: CH
m1gin 1627
Running ASPX project developed in VB.NET on Mono 5+ gives some errors. System.Web.Compilation.CompilationExceptionerror VBNC30248: CHANGEMEDescription: Error compiling a resource required to service
m1gin 139
حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مَنِيعٍ، وَسَعِيدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ الْمَخْزُومِيُّ، وَغَيْرُ وَاحِدٍ، قَالُوا‏: ‏ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ بْنُ عُيَيْنَةَ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، عَنْ عُبَيْدِ اللهِ، عَنِ اب
m1gin 125
# 256: left dbl click , 257: mid dbl clck ? , 258: right dbl click, 259 : back, 260: forward, 264: forward /etc/logid.cfg sudo logid -v sudo logid sudo systemctl restart logid
m1gin 953
Starcom GC-412 Grafik Çizim Tableti Ubuntu Driver. (BIM 'den satın alındı) https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers/issues/514 $ xsetwacom listLetSketch LetSketch stylus id: 18 type: ST
m1gin 131
source : PDF The Quran and Modern Science The Quran was first revealed to Muhammad in 609 CE. and revealed 14 centuries ago, contains many scientific facts and imagery that are supported by modern f
m1gin 710
2022-07: Get the next row id when randomly picking some rows. SELECT id, LEAD(id, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS nextid FROM tblcut ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 5; I have learned this LEAD function in SQL
m1gin 261
block an IP: sudo ufw deny from to any block an IP for accessing a certain port sudo ufw insert 1 deny from to any port 443 create a custom rule for fail2ban this rule works
m1gin 213
We Stand w/ GAZA 🇵🇸 Supporting Palestine... Condemning injustice... ---- Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- Martin Luther King, JR ----- The world is a dangerous place to live
m1gin 0
Akrep ile Yelkovan Bir saatin akreple yelkovanıyız seninle;Akrebi ben, yelkovanı sen...Bir hevesle koşuyorsun ardımdan,Sen yaklaştıkça uçuyorum mutluluktan o an.Derken yakalıyorsun beni, iki iken, bi
m1gin 0
#whisper #speechrecognition #sre #speech2text https://github.com/openai/whisper https://github.com/guillaumekln/faster-whisper https://github.com/jordimas/whisper-ctranslate2 whisper models with aut
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Tested with: Ubuntu 19.10 mpv 0.29.1 ffmpeg 4.1.4 List available plugins in MPV mpv -af=help See available parameters in a plugin (for example agate): mpv --af=agate=help Using a plugin with mpv m
m1gin 242
gatttool -b 8C:CE:FD:56:B2:85 -I [8C:CE:FD:56:B2:85][LE]> connect Attempting to connect to 8C:CE:FD:56:B2:85Connection successful list services: primary attr handle: 0x0001, end grp handle: 0x000
m1gin 673
https://openclassrooms.com/en/courses/5664271-learn-programming-with-javascript ​​​​​​​ https://www.w3schools.com/js/ Develop Sample Application like with JS: http://www.better-english.com/strongco
m1gin 482
Neither installation nor compilation of monodevelop on arch linux were succesful. (2022-03)I spent many hours but there were some missed packages which I couldn't find. (like glade-sharp-2.0, fsharpc)
m1gin 206
Automatically switch to bluetooth headset when connected: https://thiagowfx.github.io/2021/12/linux-auto-switch-to-bluetooth-headset/ cp /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf ~/.config/pipewire/
m1gin 275
Notes on youtube-upload sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client oauth2client progressbar2 --break-system-packages --credentials-file doesn't have to be exists at the beginning. After t
m1gin 428
EditWithShell: Run Command Beware of hidden characters when copying from this web page. Samples: abc=$(xargs -I {} echo {}); [[ "$abc" == "10" ]] && echo "==$abc" || echo "hey" xargs -I {} py
m1gin 813
download using: youtube-dl -f "best[ext=mp4]/bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" Aisha:الغفرانعصر الجنون Aisha01:26 AMخان الحرير Sky Sky00:59 AMHomy hoon هومي هون Sky Sky01:00 A
m1gin 0
Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting... https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NetworkManager#DHCP_client By default NetworkManager uses its internal DHCP client.To use a different DHCP client install one of the alte
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