To read xml document with terminal we can use xmllint tool.
Lets say we have a file named 1.xml with the below content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<definition test="abc">v. to provide a place to sleep or live</definition>
Get elements:
xmllint --xpath "/item/definition" 1.xml
Output: <definition test="abc">v. to provide a place to sleep or live</definition><definition>def2</definition>
Get text of elements:
xmllint --xpath "//item/word/text()" 1.xml
Output: accommodates
Get attributes:
xmllint --xpath "/item/definition/@test" 1.xml
Output: test="abc"
Select elements by its attribute:
xmllint --xpath "/item/definition[@test='abc']" 1.xml
Output: <definition test="abc">v. to provide a place to sleep or live</definition>
Search element by part of text:
xmllint --xpath "//*[contains(*,'sleep')]" 1.xml
Search element by part of attribute:
xmllint --xpath "//*[contains(@test,'bc')]" 1.xml
xmllint --html --xpath //div/a ""
Parse HTML and ignore error messages:
curl -s | xmllint --html --xpath '(//td[contains(@class,"lastpost") and contains(@class,"windowbg2")])[1]/text()' 2>/dev/null -
#from, archive, xml parsing, terminal xml, select xml node, read xml document, bash, command line, xmllint, xmllint examples, parse html cli, cli parse html url